Friday, February 26, 2010

2/24 Value Patterns

More value studies Wednesday evening.  This time we focused on value's influence on composition by establishing a pattern.  Students hand-toned their paper to a medium gray value.  Once the composition was sketched in the process was to focus on individual values of white (erased/ reduced), light gray (paper tone), dark gray (added) and black (added).  In other words, focus on all the white objects and areas.  Use the eraser to establish the whites.  Then move on to another value . . . say black.  This will bring contrast to a drawing quickly.  Draw in all the black areas paying attention to the way the "eye" is led throughout the composition.  Continue addressing the remaining values establishing a pattern and making adjustments as needed.  When you develop the pattern, you will see gaps where you may need another white or darker value.  One that is different than the actual still life setup.

 In Jilisa Dial's drawing the white shapes establish a strong triangulation that crosses the center of the drawing starting with the funnel to the bottom left and over to the books on the right.
In this dense and compact drawing by Zoe Huffman, values are repeated within the objects as well as negative areas and shadows.  Note the two triangles found in the chicken feeder and the funnel in the left of the composition.  These are counter balanced by the black triangle in the bottom right corner and upper right corner.  In addition, small dark triangles are found in the negative area  situated within the wooden picture frame and across the composition to the left on the corners of the stack of books. If you look closely, you can also find a series of white triangles throughout the composition.

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