Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Linear Perspective "Stairs Demo"

Monday and Tuesday Evenings are dedicated to the basics of drawing in Linear Perspective.  Slide lecture focuses on One Point and Two Point Perspective.  The drawing above illustrates stairs in Two Point Perspective.  Stairs in themselves are not very difficult.  The problem is making sense of all the lines required to render the stairs accurately.  The process is to locate the center of the side plane ( green "X") and continue to divide these sections for every two stairs. In other words, the side plane is divided with an "X" and a horizontal axis.  The side is now divide into two halves; top and bottom.  From there, divide the bottom half again.  Now the bottom half is divided into two sections whereas the top is just one.  Each section will be a stair.  To make more stairs continue to divide the sections. Repeat this procedure on the top half to match the number of divisions on the bottom.

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