Thursday, February 16, 2017

VALUE: Local Value 3



Last night we continued with Value. The objective was to render three objects with three different local values; dark, medium and light. Emily's drawing clearly illustrates the three different local values. Furthermore, she has rendered each object with volume and light without employing contour lines. The edges are defined with contrasting values. Volume and light is illustrated with smooth, even gradations.
The objects are very well proportioned to the paper's dimensions in Jennifer's drawing. She has emphasized the light patterns. This is most evident in the reflections of the dark vase. In addition, the negative space is divided into two rectangles with the inclusion of the horizontal line suggesting the table edge.
Ryan, too, has divided the negative space with a horizontal line. His drawing is different in that he has used line and tone together. The two elements are very complementary, neither over powering the other, both striving to address form and volume. Like Emily's drawing, the bold values and smooth gradations illustrate the light and volume of the forms.

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