Tuesday, January 26, 2010

1/25 Ideal Solids

Monday evening began with a discussion on composition.  From there we talked about Ellipses and Ideal Solids; standard or common geometric forms found in many man-made objects.  Our attention was on rendering spheres, cones, cubes, open and closed cylinders.  Key points to remember about ellipses are: 1. The front portion of the ellipse is wider than the back half. 2.  Although ellipses will narrow as they reach eye level, they should never have pointed ends. 3. Because it is further away from eye level, the bottom ellipse of a cylinder should be fuller (wider) than the top ellipse. The opposite would be true of a cylindrical object held above your head (eye level).  In addition all forms were rendered with the categories of light: cast shadow, reflected light, core shadow, shadow, light and high light. Drawings by Alan DeMarche and Justin Edwards .

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