Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Introduction to Texture

Last week was Portfolio Review week.  Students worked on drawings while I reviewed portfolios one-on-one with each student.  Tuesday, Oct. 20 we started our explorations into texture.  Each student was given a toy "dinosaur" to draw.  The objective was to draw the toy rendering the categories of light and translating the colors into black and white while addressing the textural qualities on the surface of the toy as well.

HOMEWORK: Bring a sample of an actual texture.  A small piece of weathered metal or wood, scrap of fabric or carpet, sea shell, leaf, etc.

FOR NEXT WEEK: Bring at least (5) reproductions of textures.  These may be photos, reproductions from magazines or books as well as images taken from the internet.  Google images is a great resource for examples of different types of textures.  Click here for the link.

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