Thursday, October 27, 2016

INK: Clay Sculptures Drawn

Today the class made mini sculptures out of clay and then drew them.
Ari McCool

David Covarrubias

Georgia Bourdens

Luke Mello
The drawings here represent a wide range of mark-making. Ari's drawing is very textural employing very fine line work flowing over the surface of the driftwood. David has used a generalized hatching technique throughout focusing his attention on the volume of the forms. Georgia again has focused on a combination of light, form and atmosphere with a variety of mark-making. Lastly, Luke has taken a very graphic approach with a cleanly illustrated figure addressing light and form through a variety of short and long hatch marks.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

INK: Tondo

Today the class made ink drawings using a Tondo format. The circular format provides a very different spatial relationship with the positive and negative areas unlike the standard rectangle or square. The movement around the format is fluid rather than broken. The negative areas are more organic creating a very dynamic connection with the contours of the still life.
Alfredo Muro Rodriguez

Georgia Bourdens
Alfredo's drawing is very graphic, clean and sharp. The contours are bold and the tonal mark-making complements the cross-contours. In addition, the negative space between the objects has been very well addressed.
Georgia's drawing is rich with light and atmosphere. She has created a very dynamic composition with bold contrasting values that are well balanced throughout the positive and negative areas. Furthermore, her mark-making is lively and varied.

Monday, October 24, 2016

INK: Bones

Angela Bald

Georgia Bourdens

Luke Mello
Last Thursday, the class made drawings of bones. The drawings above illustrate the stipple, hatch and cross-hatch techniques

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

INK: The Exquisite Corpse

Today the class made ink drawings while playing the Surrealist game "The Exquisite Corpse." The three drawings above illustrate the various tonal and textural mark-making techniques characteristic of pen and ink drawings. Students employed hatching and cross-hatching, stippling, scribble as well as invented patterns. Note in the drawings above the use of swelled or thick and thin lines for creating volume. In addition, the gathering or grouping of the line and stipple marks creates gradations addressing light and form.

Sunday, October 16, 2016


Georgia Bourdens

Luke Mello
Last Thursday, the class finished the midterm drawings. The two drawings above exhibit well balanced compositions, strong attention to light and form as well as the negative areas.
Georgia's drawing exhibits bold, contrasting values and surface variations that makes the image "pop." Whereas Luke's drawing exhibits a more uniform approach to rendering the light patterns and atmosphere which creates a "cooler," more calming light. Of particular note is the difference in drawing the background and the way the negative space has been addressed.
Luke has invented a textural background with a negative area that emphasizes the still life moving upward. Georgia has focused on the table edge and ground plane moving downward.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


This week the class is working on midterm drawings while portfolio reviews take place. Here are some pix from previous semesters in the meantime.

Monday, October 10, 2016

VALUE: Local Value

Ari McCool

David Covarrubias

Mariah Green
Last Thursday, in preparation for the midterm, the class made small (9 x 12 in.) drawings addressing local values. The objective was to clearly illustrate a light, dark and mid-toned object within the composition. Ari (top) has taken a designed and graphic approach to the still life. The value patterns and objects are boldly rendered in a very playful manner.
 The light and atmosphere are most compelling in David's drawing (middle). The objects and the space are rendered in rich value contrast addressing the local values as well as volume.
Mariah (bottom) has applied a more subtle approach to the light patterns of the objects. The strength of the drawing is the composition. She has very effectively located the objects so as to engage with the edges and the negative space.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016


Georgia Bourdens
On Tuesday, the class made drawings of a single subject addressing local values and the categories of light. Georgia's drawing illustrates the weathered, textural variations in value as well as light and form.