Friday, September 28, 2012


Frank Vallin Art 7A
On 18 x 24 in. drawing paper using graphite pencils, make a drawing addressing Local Value. Arrange a still life of at least one dark toned object, one light and one medium. Pay close attention to the categories of light. Aside from the skilled handling of the materials, note the placement of objects and their relationship to the space. The angle of the objects as a group as well as the books individually establishes a series of triangles starting in the bottom left corner of the drawing. Furthermore, remember to consider the influence of cast shadows on your design.

THURS. 9/27 Local Value continued

Students continued working on local values. On Tuesday night the still life consisted of one light object and one dark. Last night's still life included a medium valued object in addition to the light and dark objects.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

WED. 9/26 Local Value

Gustavo Mendoza
Here's a Local Value drawing from the M/W class. Although this drawing doesn't capture the dark green value of the bottle, the rendering of the reflections is beautifully executed. In addition, the observations of the cast shadows is well balanced against the tonalities in the negative areas.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

TUES.9/25 Local Value

Isabel Martinez
Students began studies in Local Value: the values located on the objects. Still life consisted of one dark object and one light object. The goal was to apply the concepts addressed in previous drawings to objects. Note the value patterns in the wine bottle. When drawing reflective surfaces it is important to not think about the material (glass) but to observe the values. Reflections are a series of dark and light values. This drawing is very well proportioned to the page and exhibits a full, rich range of values.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

MON. 9/24 Value Patterns

Shaina Dehart
Shaina's drawing above is rich in value as well as texture. The intense background pushes the wall form forward. The cast shadow draws us into the form while adding scale and weight. She accents the edges of the paper creating a stronger sense of depth whereas her "scumbling" technique adds a textural surface to the wall.

Friday, September 21, 2012


Dorothy Geiger
The 7B class began work on Vanitas. The original Vanitas were created in the 17th century by Dutch painters depicting the transience of life and the folly of empty pride. Common subjects were a burning candle, skull, books, tobacco, bottles and a glass.

THURS. 9/20 VALUE PATTERNS: Cheesy Drawings

Gilbert Mejia
Last night students made drawings from folded paper with cut-outs. The paper was lit mostly from one source revealing the various values inside shadows and areas turned away from the light source. The objective was to observe and draw the dark and light value patterns within the still life. Furthermore, the techniques and applications discussed in the previous project from imagination were applied to this project (i.e. course, smooth, flat and modulated values as well as reductive drawing).

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Liliana Lugo
M/W class finished working on the Subjective Value drawings. Liliana's drawing above is just one example of the many successful and imaginative works. This dynamic composition is based on a triangular motif balanced with strategically placed circles. In addition, the sharp, clear shapes are rendered with all the required values, textures and techniques. The high contrast between the white and black areas really makes the image "pop!" and is a perfect complement to the "wide-eyed" expression of the portrait.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Phoebe Kobabe
The objective for this project was to illustrate the transformation of an ordinary object resulting in a more improvised design. All the images are dynamically cropped and beautifully rendered in graphite pencil. The top, right format exhibits great improvisation and invention through the twisting and looping ribbons encapsulating the bird.


Billy O'Donnell

Joelly Lobato de Faria
Two finished drawings from last night. Billy's drawing exhibits a multi-layered, fluid and dynamic composition. Although the image needs more contrast with darker values and textures, he has effectively rendered the high key range of values with smooth textures.
Joelly's drawing is rich with values and textural contrast. She has effectively used the design principles of proportion, overlap and unity and variety. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Joanne Wallace- in progress
Students in the M/W class started drawings of abstracted designs and faces. When using value subjectively, it is important to place emphasis on the design patterns and rhythms rather than a realistic interpretation of light and value patterns. The best way to achieve a balanced composition is to focus on one value at a time, placing it in two to three locations within the composition.

Friday, September 14, 2012


Will Dagnino (drawing in progress)
Last night we began our studies in Value: the gradations between light and dark. Value may be used to create three-dimensionality, address the categories of light, time of day. It may also be used for dramatic effect; dark values are ominous while lighter values tend to be more uplifting or cheerful. The first project is to draw an abstract design of large and small shapes possibly a face. All the shapes are then filled subjectively with course values and smooth values employing additive and reductive techniques.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

WED. 9/12 PROPORTIONS: Organizational Line Drawing

Austin Krimont
M/W class continued working on proportional studies. This time with still life consisting of three variously sized and shaped objects. The goal was to create proportionally accurate forms exhibiting strong, confident contour lines. The objects in Austin's drawing above are well proportioned to each other as well as the page. Note that the spitune is cropped on the right. Cropping activates the negative space changing the flow around the forms and engages the edges of the paper. In addition, his contours are confident adding depth and dimension to the forms.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

TUES. 9/11 PROPORTIONS: Organizational Line Drawing

Janine Barthol
T/Th night class continued working on proportions. The still life included three objects of various sizes and shapes. Notice in Janine's drawing above the quick transparent rendering noting the relative placement of objects overlapping one another. This drawing also exhibits the quality of dark values causing objects to recede evident in the bottle in the back right.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

MON. 9/10 PROPORTIONS: Organizational Line Drawing

Susan Hix
The M/W class began proportional studies. Susan's drawing above is an excellent example of the Organizational Line technique. Organizing lines enclose the positive and negative areas by building an armature across the composition. They take measurement and relate the parts to each other. The drawing above is like a "road map" in that you can see the path and decisions that Susan made in sketching out the form. Look closely at the vertical and horizontal lines and you should see that the placement is not arbitrary rather each line identifies the relationship between two or more areas of the form.

Friday, September 7, 2012

TUES. 9/6 Organizational Line

Isabel Martinez
Students in T/TH 7A made proportional studies using the Organizational Line drawing technique. The goal is to make proportionally accurate forms by relating and measuring the parts. Notice the use of a "sphere" in developing the body of the pitcher. In addition, the smearing of earlier renderings of the top of the pitcher adds a sense space and atmosphere rather than appearing like a mistake.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


In your sketchbook, draw the five Ideal Solids using a soft graphite pencil. Draw one per page addressing the categories of light.


Bernardo Solorio

Daniel Doughty
The M/W class made gesture drawings exploring the techniques of line, scribble and mass. Bernardo and Daniel's drawings above illustrate the scribble technique. Note the difference in style. Bernardo uses a hatched line that makes for a very course surface whereas Daniel uses something of a angled hatch that resembles feathers.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

TUES. 9/4 Composing Ideal Solids

Alexa Mariani
The T/TH class made landscape compositions using the Ideal Solids. Alexa's drawing above clearly illustrates the qualities of location, overlap, diagonals, value and proportion. The addition of wavey, white line adds a strong sense of atmospheric conditions.

The 7B students began work on their Eye Level and Base Lines compositions by working with a high horizon line. Pics will follow.