Wednesday, June 30, 2010

6/30 Imaginary Space "continued"

Class continued working on the Imaginary Space project. Same for tomorrow.  Also, portfolios are due and it is my last day with the class before Machiko Kondo takes over for the remainder of the summer session.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

6/29 Linear Perspective: Imaginary Space

Today we discussed Linear Perspective with an emphasis on Two-Point Linear Perspective because it is generally the most common situation encountered.  In a nut shell, the rule of perspective is that all lines that are parallel to one another will appear to converge and meet at vanishing points located on the horizon line (eye level). Looking at the drawing above, most of  the diagonals on the left side will converge towards the left vanishing point and diagonals on the right side will meet at the right vanishing point.  The horizon line on this drawing is located at the center of the page.  Notice that diagonals below the horizon line converge upward while diagonals above the horizon line converge downward. 
This is the last project with me before Machiko Kondo takes over the class.  We will continue working on this drawing Wed. & Thurs. at which time it too will go in the portfolio for evaluating. 

Monday, June 28, 2010

Homework #3 Meal Setting

The third and last homework assignment is to draw a "meal setting". The objective is to create a still life of multiple objects (at least 3 to 5) and render the categories of light. Drawings by Alan De Marche and John Teran Art 7A Spring 2010.


Include the following in your portfolio.  Remember that drawings need to be spray fixed and presented in a large tote folder or hard bound portfolio (may be hand made). Drawings should be flat and free of tears, smudges and folds.

1. gestures (gourds, shoes)
2. contours (tools)
3. Ideal Solids (geometric shapes)
4. Composing Ideal Solids
5. Proportions ( bottles and milk cartons)
6. Value Reduction (high contrast black and white)
7. Value Patterns (hand toned paper)
8. Value and Form (mugs and bottles)
9. Imaginary Space ( Final Project)
All homework (optional for "A" grade.  Homework must be of high quality. Merely completing the assignments does not guarantee an "A" grade.

6/28 Value and Form

Today we made drawings of individual cups as well as white cups juxtaposed against dark bottles.  The primary objective was to render the objects paying attention to their "local values" as well as establishing the Categories of Light. Drawings by Janis Oberman, Vildan Kraemer and Krista Shatto respectively.

Drawings from June 24 "Value Patterns"

Started out the morning looking at the drawings from last Thurs. The project was to establish a sense of rhythm and movement by addressing Value Patterns.  The idea is to focus on the individual values of white, gray, dark gray and black paying attention to how these areas relate to one another and lead the "eye" through the composition.  Drawings by Rashmi Kayala (above) and Myles Austerweil (below).

6/24 VALUE

We began our studies of Value on Thursday.  After the slide lecture, students made Value Reduction drawings reducing all values to black and white.  In other words, all values ranging from one to five (high key) were rendered white.  All values ranging from six to ten (low key) were rendered black.  We also made drawings exploring value patterns.  Pics of the value patterns drawings to follow.  Drawings by Dustin Hom and David Chapdelaine.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

6/23 Imaginary Face

This morning we did some review of proportions with the rendering of a chair.  Then we discussed the characteristics of value.  The project was to investigate value and mark-making while creating an imaginary face rendered from multiple views simultaneously.  The results were imaginative, humorous and bizarre to say the least. Drawings by Karen Robinette, Jemma Eubanks, Lexi Mason-Davis and Jonathan Stagnaro.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

6/22 Proportions: Organizational Line

Today we worked on proportions by way of the organizational line technique.  By creating a structural armature around objects organizational lines enclose the positive and negative areas allowing the artist to compare and measure the various shapes and forms that make up a composition. Notice in Vildan Kraemer's  drawing (above) how she has isolated the handle and outlying negative areas by placing them in a rectangle.  This allows her to more clearly visualize the curvature of the handle.  In Jemma Eubanks' drawing you can still see how she has measured and compared the center of the coffee pot to the outer edges. Both drawings exhibit the makings for good line and textural quality as well as activating the negative space.

Monday, June 21, 2010

6/21 Composing Ideal Solids

Today Art 7A continued to work with Ideal Solids.  This time the project was to place the various forms within a composition addressing spatial relationships as well as the categories of light.  Here are two examples by Lexi Mason-Davis (above) and Katelyn Ashby (below). Both of these compositions are playful and inventive.  The extreme change of scale in Lexi's drawing creates a stage complete with balancing act for the various forms while the tilted cones and repetition of the spheres in Kaitlin's drawing not only establishes directional movement throughout the composition but also creates a carnival like environment.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

6/17 Ideal Geometric Solids

Today the class worked on rendering ellipses and Ideal Solids-- geometric forms that are the root shapes of many other shapes (ex. a bottle is composed of a long cylinder, a cone and a cylinder). Students drew five Ideal Solids-cone, cylinder, open cylinder, sphere and a cube- on a sheet of paper in charcoal and render the categories of light.

Homework #1 Overlapping Forms & Mark-making (Art 7B)

Repeat the class assignment of working with layers and overlapping forms. Choose a subject that is important to you (ex. a bicycle if you're a cyclist, kitchen utensils if you like to cook, musical instrument if you're a musician, etc.)

Homework #1 Contour Line (Art 7A)

Make a contour line drawing of a complex subject (i.e. a subject with many parts and pieces, bicycle, engine, old typewriter, car truck or motorcycle,etc.) Use 18 x 24 in. drawing paper and graphite pencil. Employ line and weight variations (thick & thin, dark & light).

6/16 Contour Line Drawing

After the slide lecture on Line, the class made a series of drawings of tools in Contour Line.  Contour is a slow, single, incisive line that defines interior volumes as well as exterior volumes.  It is different from "outlining" because outlines only define exterior volumes like a silhouette.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

6/15 A Means Towards Gesture

Today we worked on developing volume through gestural techniques.  We started with cross-contour drawings then to continuous line drawing, scribble gesture, mass and finally a combination of techniques. Gesture drawings should be quick, spontaneous and all encompassing of your subject.  In other words, you draw all the way around the forms and through them treating them as though they were transparent.

Monday, June 14, 2010

6/14 First Day of Class

Today we covered the syllabus and materials list.  Tomorrow we will start with some gesture drawings.