Saturday, May 15, 2010

5/12 & 5/13 Works in Progress (Final Projects)

Ariel Lockshaw
Carol Venolia
Chris Doty
 Xoe Huffman

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

5/10 & 5/11 Combined Viewpoints

Students began first part of the final project "Combined Viewpoints".  The first part consists of making a series of drawings on tracing paper of an object observed from different points of view.  In addition, portfolios are due.  Last chance to turn in portfolios is Wed./ Thurs.  Work in progress photos to follow.

Monday, May 10, 2010

5/6 Division of the Field

Here are two from T/TH. Carol Venolia's drawing exhibits a right edge dominance moving towards the center of the composition.  This drawing is rich with textures, mark-making and a strong sense of the dappled light coming through the trees.  Notice the implied diagonal from bottom right to upper left through the darks in the tree to the centered bush and up to the tree on the left. Beautifully rendered.
Troy Tsouprake has taken a more imaginative approach to rendering space. The composition exhibits a lower right corner dominance.  The brick frame draws attention to the bench within the window.  Foreground and background merge through the reaching tree branch.  As an added bonus to spice things up a bit, Troy has created a lagoon with a viking ship sailing past.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

5/5 & 5/6 Division of the Field

Students completed their large scale drawings investigating the Division of the Field. This drawing by Stephanie Mezzanato exhibits a left to right dominance and repeating squares and rectangles.  The pictures in the display case establish a "grouping" while relating to the extinguisher and the walls even with the diagonal bottom. In addition, the textural rendering on the back wall is very nicely done.
Xoe Huffman's drawing is texturally rich combining a mix of patterns and shapes while maintaining a more abstracted rendering of the space.  The tonalities and depth in the frieze are beautifully achieved. This composition also exhibits a left to right movement with the left side establishing foreground moving back into the right.
This stunning drawing from Kate Picchi exhibits a right to left movement back in space.  This is reinforced by the diagonal suggested through the garbage can to the hinges on the door and finally leading up the stairs by way of the railing.  In addition to the strong composition, the line quality and tonalities are very complementary both adding dimension and atmosphere to the image.  This drawing also makes use of atmospheric perspective by leading us from the classroom (foreground) to the hallway (middle ground) and finally up the stairs (background).

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

5/3 & 5/4 Division of the Field

Students began large scale drawings based on last Wed. & Thurs.' sketches.  Many students will continue to work on the same drawings for 5/5 & 5/6.

Monday, May 3, 2010

4/28 & 4/29 Division of the Field

Division of the Field refers to the organizing and dividing of the picture plane into an interesting design of shapes, patterns and/or textures.  Students made sketches inside and outside the Art Building focusing on nine variations for dividing the field.  The divisions consist of  centralizing the composition, left to right movements or top to bottom movements.  Jonathan Florence's sketch, at the top, has a right to left balance whereas Justin Edward's sketch, at the bottom, exhibits a left to right balance.  Carol Venolia's sketch. in the middle, illustrates a right to left balance combined with an implied diagonal moving towards the upper left corner of the composition.